Category: You Should See This
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A Mysterious Suicide Cluster | The New Yorker
A Mysterious Suicide Cluster
Young people in a Missouri college town kept killing themselves. A parent of one victim is convinced that her son’s friend encouraged the deaths. Has a sinister figure been exposed, or is it a case of misplaced blame?
via The New Yorker:
Young people in a Missouri college town kept killing themselves. A parent of one victim is convinced that her son’s friend encouraged the deaths. Has a sinister figure been exposed, or is it a case of misplaced blame?
Who Killed Mac Dre? | Passion of the Weiss
Who Killed Mac Dre?
Over 1,200 documents from the Kansas City Police Department help shed light on one of hip-hop’s biggest mysteries.
via Passion of the Weiss:
Despite multiple investigations and a string of alleged retaliation murders that left three more people dead, very little is known about the actual circumstances surrounding the death of Mac Dre, Vallejo’s hometown hero, the larger than life orchestrator of the Thizzle Dance and a key player in the Hyphy movement that still influences hip-hop culture to this day.
Fact-checking Modi’s post-truth India – Rest of World
Fact-checking Modi’s India
As the pandemic rages across the country, one team of fact-checkers contends with a post-truth dystopia.
via Rest of World:
On March 2, Alt News published a post showing that the attacker in the video wasn’t an Indian Muslim lashing out, unprovoked, at a Hindu, as the BJP spokesperson’s post might have been read to imply, but a mentally ill man in Sri Lanka. The fact-check was uploaded on Alt News’s website, mobile app, and social media pages. Zubair also sent his findings to Kumar on Twitter. The politician didn’t delete the post.
The War on History Is a War on Democracy
The War on History Is a War on Democracy (Published 2021)
A scholar of totalitarianism argues that new laws restricting the discussion of race in American schools have dire precedents in Europe.
But by March 1932, hundreds of thousands of people were already starving to death in Soviet Ukraine, the breadbasket of the country. Rapid industrialization was financed by destroying traditional agrarian life. The five-year plan had brought “dekulakization,” the deportation of peasants deemed more prosperous than others, and “collectivization,” the appropriation of agrarian land by the state. A result was mass famine: first in Kazakhstan, then in southern Russia and especially in Soviet Ukraine. Soviet leaders were aware in 1932 of what was happening but insisted on requisitions in Ukraine anyway. Grain that people needed to survive was forcibly confiscated and exported. The writer Arthur Koestler, who was living in Soviet Ukraine at the time, recalled propaganda that presented the starving as provocateurs who preferred to see their own bellies bloat rather than accept Soviet achievement.
The Plot to Kill the Olympics – Outside Online
The Plot to Kill the Olympics
When Konstantin Grigorishin—über-wealthy Ukrainian businessman, aspiring philosopher, former pal of Russian oligarchs—introduced the upstart International Swimming League in 2019, he made the first move in an ambitious plan that could blow up Olympic sports and usher in a new era of athlete fairness. He also commenced a game of chicken with some of the world’s most powerful and dangerous men, including Vladimir Putin. And he just might win.
via Outside Online:
Last fall Caeleb Dressel, the world’s fastest swimmer, sat in a hotel coffee shop on an island in the Danube in Budapest, sipping water from a bottle and trying not to think about a world without the Olympics. This was not easy. The 24-year-old from Florida was in Hungary’s fairy-tale capital of castles and grand hotels, along with 300 other Olympians, for the second season of a new competition, the International Swimming League (ISL), whose regard for the Games and their domination over watersports was summed up by its slogan: “This. Is. The. Revolution.”
Chicago PD automated policing program got this man shot twice
An automated policing program got this man shot twice
The Chicago PD made a “heat list” to predict people involved with violent crimes — and instead, it caused them.
via The Verge:
“They wanna know why all these muthafuckin’ cops are here talkin’ with me,” McDaniel says. “And you know what? So do I.”
Chinese dreams on Native American land: A tale of cannabis boom and bust – BBC News
Chinese dreams on Native American land: A tale of cannabis boom and bust
How the pandemic cannabis boom led to chaos on the Navajo Nation, pitting two minorities against each other.
via BBC News:
Just three days into their work, there was a knock at the door. Xia assumed it was someone calling them to dinner, until she saw men in uniforms with badges. Initially, it was impossible to communicate, until an officer who spoke Mandarin arrived. He asked the workers if they knew what kind of “flowers” they were cutting. One by one, they shook their heads.
The Bonnie and Clyde of MAGA World – POLITICO
The Bonnie and Clyde of MAGA World
For a decade, Dustin Stockton and Jennifer Lawrence had surfed the wave of populist-right politics like few other people in America. Then came Jan. 6.
Without money to pay attorneys, they say they reached out to the House Jan. 6 committee, and would like to voluntarily testify. “This is our chance to tell our side of the story. We are going to be labeled with the crazies unless we do. We are in no-man’s land right now. The right thinks we are collaborators and the left wants our heads on pikes because we organized rallies in D.C. I don’t know what we do,” Stockton continued. “And so f— everyone. We are not afraid to tell people what happened. We don’t want to be known as an insurrectionist or any other dumb-f— influencer on the right who just echoes the same talking points everybody else says.”
The QAnon JFK Cult in Dallas Is Tearing Families Apart
The QAnon JFK Cult in Dallas Is Tearing Families Apart
“My sister may be too far gone, but it’s not too late to bring awareness to others. Do not fall into this trap.”
According to Garner, her sister has so far handed over about $200,000 to the group, and is being forced to drink a hydrogen peroxide solution and take “bio pellets” to ward off COVID-19 and stay healthy. Her phone calls and messages are also being monitored, according to Garner, who believes her sister will never return.
Trying to Blur Memories of the Gulag, Russia Targets a Rights Group – The New York Times
Trying to Blur Memories of the Gulag, Russia Targets a Rights Group (Published 2021)
Prosecutors are trying to shut down Memorial International, Russia’s most prominent human rights group, as the Kremlin moves to control the historical narrative of the Soviet Union.
“Here you can see a vivid example of living memory which is directly connected to present times,” she said. “It’s a similar pattern. Of course it’s not exactly the same — there are different mechanisms, and different details. But you can recognize the same logic and the same evil standing behind it.”
What It Takes to Climb the World’s Most Forbidding Cliffs
What It Takes to Climb the World’s Most Forbidding Cliffs
After decades of dominance, Tommy Caldwell is still seeking new ascents.
via The New Yorker:
Chasm View was flush against the wall, seemingly hanging in midair at the edge of the abyss. Below the great face was a small glacier, and beyond that was Chasm Lake, cobalt blue, nearly two thousand feet down. The view was slightly overwhelming. Vertigo nips at the photoreceptors, or maybe it’s the neurotransmitters. Caldwell and I called back and forth—the acoustics were uncanny—and he sounded strangely carefree for someone clinging to a cliff by his fingernails.
The Incredible Tale of the Greatest Toy Man You’ve Never Known |
In the days of Quiz Wiz, Kahn says, he traveled the world hunting for new ideas as head of product development for a toy conglomerate called Coleco. He had one of those all-inclusive Pan Am tickets of jet-age lore, where you could fly anywhere in the world in first class: Just show up at the airport, flash your ticket, and walk right onto the 747, destination London, Vienna, Hong Kong, Tokyo. Then you ascended the spiral staircase and started drinking scotch and sodas at the bar outside the cockpit.
The Notorious Mrs. Mossler
The Notorious Mrs. Mossler
A Houston socialite was accused of plotting her husband’s murder—and of having an affair with her nephew. But Candace Mossler was only getting started.
via Texas Monthly:
Within days, however, detectives discovered that Candace had been leading a clandestine life of her own. For nearly two years, she’d been carrying on an affair with her nephew, a 22-year-old mobile home salesman named Melvin Powers. Mel was six foot four and built like a linebacker. He had high cheekbones, dark eyes, and a head of coal-black hair. He and Candace had written each other impassioned love letters. They’d had trysts at the mansion, the family’s ranch just southwest of Houston, and the Mosslers’ Galveston beach house.
What Happened to Gun Culture
What Happened to Gun Culture
During the past three decades, it became one of the most dangerous elements of the right. How much of that can be blamed on the N.R.A.?
via The New Yorker:
At first, when the young buyers started showing up in the marketing data, old-timers at Kimber and elsewhere made fun, calling them “couch commandos” and “tactards.” But, quite quickly, it became apparent to Busse that this group was driving sales. Domestic manufacturers eventually applied a “desert tan” finish to guns sold for hunting or self-defense, to mimic what was on the battlefields. “I called big accounts to see what was selling,” Busse writes. “The answer was clear: ‘Anything in desert tan.’ ”
At the End of the World, It’s Hyperobjects All the Way Down | WIRED
At the End of the World, It’s Hyperobjects All the Way Down
Do you feel lost? Alone? Powerless in the face of forces beyond your control? Timothy Morton can help—if you’re ready to have your reality blown apart.
via WIRED:
The message some readers heard in the arrival of these phenomena was a frightening one: Look upon our works, ye mighty, and despair. But there’s another message in Morton’s book, one that Morton is increasingly extolling as hopelessness threatens to paralyze so many: Our sense of “the world” might be ending, but humans are not doomed. In fact, the end of this limited notion of the world may also be the only thing that can save us from ourselves.
The Truth About Kyle Rittenhouse’s Gun
Opinion | The Truth About Kyle Rittenhouse’s Gun (Published 2021)
Kyle Rittenhouse’s semiautomatic rifle endangered everybody around him — and himself.
In the Rittenhouse case, none of that was true. At every turn that night, Rittenhouse’s AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle made things worse, ratcheting up danger rather than quelling it. The gun transformed situations that might have ended in black eyes and broken bones into ones that ended with corpses in the street. And Rittenhouse’s gun was not just a danger to rival protesters. According to his own defense, the gun posed a grave threat to Rittenhouse himself — he said he feared being overpowered and then shot with his own weapon.
He’s Remaking Criminal Justice in L.A. But How Far Is Too Far? – The New York Times
He’s Remaking Criminal Justice in L.A. But How Far Is Too Far? (Published 2021)
To keep people out of prison, George Gascón is risking everything: rising violent crime, a staff rebellion and the votes that made him district attorney.
In Los Angeles, the district attorney’s office focuses on whether a young person would be amenable to the services available to juveniles. “We have no evidence to suggest that he’s a sociopath,” Alisa Blair says of Cachu, “or that he’s going to be a serial killer, or that this was anything other than the response of a teenager, experiencing adolescent brain development.”
Can Russia’s Press Ever Be Free? | The New Yorker
Can Russia’s Press Ever Be Free?
The journalists of Novaya Gazeta report on dangerous conflicts—and endure threats of their own.
via The New Yorker:
There have been threats and attacks: Kostyuchenko has been physically assaulted, detained, and credibly threatened with terrifying regularity. In 2017, the paper twice received envelopes filled with an unidentified white powder (later deemed harmless). Earlier this year, someone dressed as a bicycle messenger rode up to the building and sprayed it with an unknown chemical substance.
Nightmare of the Windowless Dorm Room
Nightmare of the Windowless Dorm Room
Charlie Munger, a Warren Buffett crony, donated two hundred million dollars to a university for a gigantic new dorm. The catch: no windows. How did guinea pigs in a similar Munger housing experiment fare?
via The New Yorker: