Category: Recommended
The Cold War Bunker That Became Home to a Dark-Web Empire
The Cold War Bunker That Became Home to a Dark-Web Empire
An eccentric Dutchman began living in a giant underground facility built by the German military—and ran a server farm beloved by cybercriminals.
via The New Yorker:
Behrouz Boochani Just Wants to Be Free
Behrouz Boochani Just Wants to Be Free (Published 2020)
He fled Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. He exposed Australia’s offshore detention camps — from the inside. He survived, stateless, for seven years. What’s next?
As Neo-Nazis Seed Military Ranks, Germany Confronts ‘an Enemy Within’
As Neo-Nazis Seed Military Ranks, Germany Confronts ‘an Enemy Within’ (Published 2020)
After plastic explosives and Nazi memorabilia were found at an elite soldier’s home, Germany worries about a problem of far-right infiltration at the heart of its democracy.
How the Pandemic Defeated America
How the Pandemic Defeated America
A virus has brought the world’s most powerful country to its knees.
via The Atlantic:
For the forgotten men of 1st Platoon, Trump’s pardon of an officer they helped convict of murder is a crushing betrayal
For the forgotten men of 1st Platoon, Trump’s pardon of an officer they helped convict of murder is a crushing betrayal
Only a few hours had passed since President Donald Trump pardoned 1st Lt. Clint Lorance…
via Laredo Morning Times:
605 Adults 304 Children
Jonestown – 605 Adults 304 Children
Filmed By – The Peoples TempleDirected By – Michael MahaffieProduced By – Clare TuckerMusic By – Tyler RogersExecutive Producers – Michael Barnett, Dominique…
via YouTube:
Beyond the Single Frame with Michael Robinson Chávez and Hector Emanuel
#StayHomewithLEICA – Beyond the Single Frame with Michael Robinson Chávez and Hector Emanuel
Beyond the Single Frame with Michael Robinson Chávez and Hector EmanuelRecorded Sunday, June 28th, 2020Join us for a conversation with photojournalist Michae…
via YouTube:
Skeleton Landlord (pilot)
Skeleton Landlord (Development Meeting Pilot) | adult swim
Written and created by Doug Bleichner and Sam WagstaffAfter two hip young tenants fail to pay their rent 12 months in a row, Skeleton pays them a visitand qu…
via YouTube:
Robin Hammond on the insider and outsider
Photojournalism Now: In Conversation with Robin Hammond
Hi, I’m Alison Stieven-Taylor, a journalist and the publisher of the weekly blog, Photojournalism Now (…
via YouTube:
Michaela the Destroyer
Michaela the Destroyer
How a young talent from East London went from open-mic nights to making the year’s most sublimely unsettling show.
YouTube’s Psychic Wounds
YouTube’s Psychic Wounds
Seeking political news, Nicholson Baker ventures to the wrong clip and back again
via Columbia Journalism Review:
How Can the Press Best Serve a Democratic Society?
How Can the Press Best Serve a Democratic Society?
In the nineteen-forties, a panel of scholars struggled over truth in reporting, the marketplace of ideas, and the maintenance of a free and responsible press. Their deliberations are more relevant than ever.
via The New Yorker:
Dean Baquet : Longform Podcast
Longform Podcast #398: Dean Baquet · Longform
Dean Baquet is executive editor of The New York Times. “I always tried to question what is the difference between what is truly tradition and core, and what is merely habit. A lot of stuff we think are core, are just habits. The way we write newspaper
via Longform:
The Man Who Saw America – Robert Frank
The Sunday Read: ‘The Man Who Saw America’ (Published 2020)
Chronicling the human condition with one of the most influential photographers in history.
StayHomewithLeica – David Butow
#StayHomeWithLeica – David Butow – Zen and the Art of Photojournalism
ZEN AND THE ART OF PHOTOJOURNALISMWith David ButowRecorded Sunday, May 31st, 2020What could photographing politics and Buddhist rituals have in common? More …
via YouTube: