Category: You Should See This
Film, longreads, books, TV, podcasts, gaming, live events.
The Story Has Gotten Away from Us
The story has gotten away from us
Six months of life and death in America.
via Columbia Journalism Review:
Abstract: The Art of Design | Platon: Photography | FULL EPISODE | Netflix
Step inside the minds of the most innovative designers in a variety of disciplines and learn how design impacts every aspect of life.In this episode: Platon’…
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Trump wants to use reporters as props. We don’t have to let him.
What We Know About Your Chances of Catching the Virus Outdoors (Published 2020)
A stir-crazy nation wonders: Is it safe to stroll on the beach in a deadly pandemic? How about a picnic in the park? Or coffee with a friend at an outdoor table? The risk is in the details.
The Boogaloo Movement Is Not What You Think
The Boogaloo Movement Is Not What You Think – bellingcat
Translations:English (UK)Русский (Россия)On May 26th, crowds gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to protest the death of 46-year-old George Floyd at the hands of the city’s police department. Floyd was black. Many of the protesters were people of color.
via bellingcat:
Neil Hamburger on the Pros and Cons of COVID-19
Neil Hamburger on the Pros and Cons of COVID-19
America’s Funny Man Neeeeeil Hamburger gets on the horn with the holy trinity to give us the good and the bad about the Coronavirus lockdown.Support Office H…
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Jim Marshall: Show me the Picture
#StayHomewithLeica – Jim Marshall – Show Me the Picture with Amelia Davis
JIM MARSHALL: SHOW ME THE PICTURE with Amelia DavisRecorded Sunday, May 17, 2020The word legacy comes to mind when we think of the life and work of Jim Marsh…
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Ruddy Roye – The Art of Adaptation
#StayHomewithLeica – Ruddy Roye – THE ART OF ADAPTATION
THE ART OF ADAPTATIONWith Ruddy Roye Recordered Tuesday, April 7, 2020″Every day is a fight in my mind. Adapting to the cadence of the streets has been my on…
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Tim from Michigan Calls In
Tim from Michigan Calls In to Protest the Lockdown (Tim Robinson) (Best of Office Hours)
Tim from Michigan (aka Tim Robinson) called in to let the holy trinity know why he was protesting the lockdown. Support Office Hours, get an extra half hour …
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Dropkick Murphys – Mick Jones Nicked my Pudding
Dropkick Murphys “Mick Jones Nicked My Pudding” (official video)
Official music video for “Mick Jones Nicked My Pudding” taken from Dropkick Murphys’ forthcoming new album “Turn Up That Dial” out April 30, 2021. Pre-order …
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A Biblical Mystery at Oxford
Is The Original New Testament Lost? :: A Dialogue with Dr. Bart Ehrman & Dr. Daniel Wallace
An evening of scholarly dialogue on the origins, the transmission, and the reliability of the New Testament. Do we have the original manuscripts? Can we trus…
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The Miracle Sudoku
The Miracle Sudoku
You can try one of the most extraordinary puzzles we’ve ever seen by Mitchell Lee here:▶ OUR NEW THERMO…
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Joel Meyerowitz
Joel Meyerowitz: LensCulture Interview 2020
Listen to Joel Meyerowitz: LensCulture Interview 2020 by Jim Casper #np on #SoundCloud
via SoundCloud:
Maggie Steber #StayHomewithLeica
#StayHomewithLeica – Maggie Steber – STILL LIFE IN THE SECRET GARDEN
STILL LIFE IN THE SECRET GARDENWith Maggie Steber Recorded Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Discover some of the stories behind documentary photographer Maggie Steber…
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Little Simz – might bang, might not
Little Simz – might bang, might not (Official Audio)
Official audio for “might bang, might not” by Little Simz My new album ‘Sometimes I Might Be Introvert’ is out now. Listen/buy here: https://littlesimz.ffm.t…
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One Camera One Lens – Alan Schaller #StayHomewithLeica
#StayHomewithLeica Alan Schaller – One Camera, One Lens
One Camera, One Lens: A Conversation with Alan SchallerRecorded Live: April 30th, 2020A Leica rangefinder, 24mm lens and a determination to make images with …
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Boids – Bike Thief
Boids – Bike Thief (official video)
From the new album Quel Drag Out Now! by David Don’t
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Noctilux – Mark de Paola #StayHomewithLeica
#StayHomeWithLeica – Photography Wide Open with Mark de Paola – A Noctilux Discussion
Join renown, Fashion and Fine Art photographer Mark de Paola for this discussion about his experience with one of Leica Camera’s most celebrated and signatur…
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