Jason Brassard Spent His Lifetime Collecting the Rarest Video Games. Until the Heist.
The porn trilogy for Nintendos. Atari games from the 1980s. Pristine nostalgia, potentially worth millions, gone in a night.
via Vanity Fair: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/06/rare-nintendo-atari-games-stolen
On the rainy evening of November 6, a man and a woman arrived in a beat-up car. The man was wearing a Nike baseball cap, the bill obscuring his face. He held a large fountain soda in his left hand, frustratingly disregarding the sign asking visitors not to bring food or drink inside. The woman seemed younger, in jeans and some kind of poncho, with a wet grocery bag in her hand. The two of them walked to the register, where the woman opened the bag to reveal some of the rarest games the staff had ever seen, then arranged them on the glass checkout counter, hoping to make a deal. One of the clerks, Spidey sense triggered, called the Voegeles at home. Mandi came in.