Episode 10 – No FoPo, Fight the Blob feat. @dwdavison9318 (5/15/16)
In episode 10, we’re joined by Derek Davison (@dwdavison9318)who voxsplains to us what the Iran nuclear deal is and breaks down a juicy New York Times Magazine profile of White House literary savage B
via SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/chapo-trap-house/episode-10-no-fopo-fight-the-blob-feat-dwdavison9318-51516#t=53:10
I don’t think that in my lifetime there will be a Woman in the White House. We learned that women can still be abused, physically and mentally. There will still be men and women who work to take decisions about control of our bodies, , we will not make as much money as our male counterparts, decisions about the people we love must have religious boundaries.