Month: May 2018

  • May 24, 2018

    back to work after a week in NYC. lots of photos to edit.

    lots to write about from the past month. we went 8 photographers -> 4 photographers and many friends affected by layoffs.

    on the other side, so many positive events and much hope and positivity sent out from friends.


    long day, but much sarcastic thanks to the person who stole L’s iPhone and turned if off immediately so we couldn’t track it (yet). hey Apple, why not make it so you can’t turn off an iPhone without a fingerprint, face ID or passcode? that way we could at least track the thing and a thief couldn’t simply turn it off to go invisible.

  • Evil Genius

    [contentcards url=”″]

  • The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code

    The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code

    [contentcards url=””]