Month: September 2017

  • fovi8 zine #1

    Wow – I love that photo by my good friend Tom Szalay, gracing the cover of the first issue of the fovi8 zine. Tom had the most popular image on the site, as well as the 4th, out of nearly 400 images submitted.

    I’m just now coming up for air after two months, and holding a physical object that’s the result of hard work is a great reward – fovi8 #1 has photographs from 25 photographers who submitted work in August. The work is amazing. You can buy one of only 100 copies on the site.

    We are lucky to have an amazing community of photographers going strong at The last month was a blur of keeping things running, adding features, editing a zine, getting it published, and looking over all the new work coming in through September. Now I look up at the calendar this morning and realize there are only six days left to submit photographs for the second issue. This train is rolling and won’t stop. Here comes the deadline, join us and send in your photos, or at least help us judge the work.

    If you haven’t checked out the site, give it a shot. There’s a lot to discover about the site.